How To Port Mortgage Hsbc?

Navigating the intricacies of homeownership can be a daunting task, especially when life circumstances shift and necessitate a move. Amid the excitement of a new property or locale, there’s a pivotal question many homeowners with existing mortgages ask: “Can I take my mortgage with me?” For HSBC mortgage holders, the answer lies in the concept of ‘porting’.

This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of how to port your mortgage with HSBC, detailing the process, benefits, potential pitfalls, and key considerations. Whether you’re an experienced homeowner or just starting your journey, this guide aims to simplify the complexities of porting and equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.

What does it mean to port a mortgage with HSBC?

“Porting” a mortgage is a term that essentially means transferring your current mortgage from one property to another. This facility allows homeowners to move to a new home without facing the penalties or complexities associated with breaking their existing mortgage contract. Instead, they can essentially “carry” their mortgage terms, rates, and conditions over to their new property.

When you port your mortgage with HSBC (or any other bank that offers porting), you’re taking advantage of the following:

Consistent Terms: Instead of renegotiating or entering into a new mortgage contract, you maintain the same terms, interest rate, and conditions that you initially agreed upon. This can be particularly advantageous if you’ve secured a low-interest rate that might not be available in the current market.

Avoiding Penalties: Terminating a mortgage early can lead to hefty penalties. By porting, you continue with your existing contract, thus avoiding early exit or breakage fees.

Flexibility: Life is unpredictable. Whether due to job relocation, the need for a bigger home, or any other reason, the ability to port a mortgage provides homeowners with flexibility. Instead of being anchored by their mortgage, they have the freedom to move as circumstances change.

Potential Blend & Extend Options: Some homeowners might find that the property they’re moving to is of a different value than their current one. In such cases, HSBC might offer a ‘blend and extend’ option. This means the bank blends your current mortgage rate with the rate available for the additional amount you need, offering a weighted average interest rate.

it’s essential to understand that porting isn’t always straightforward. There are criteria that homeowners must meet, and not all mortgages or properties qualify. Plus, there could be associated costs, even if they’re lower than the penalties for breaking a mortgage. Before deciding to port a mortgage with HSBC, it’s crucial to consult with an HSBC mortgage specialist to understand the specifics of your mortgage agreement and the requirements you need to fulfill.

Can I port my HSBC mortgage if I want to move to a more expensive property?

If you’re considering moving to a more expensive property and you have an existing HSBC mortgage, the idea of porting it is likely on your mind. Porting allows you to transfer the terms and conditions of your current mortgage to your new property, but how does it work when the new home is pricier?

Yes, you can port your HSBC mortgage to a more expensive property, but there are some key things to keep in mind:

Additional Borrowing: If the new property is more expensive, you’ll need to borrow the additional amount required to cover the price difference. This extra borrowing will typically be at the current interest rate offered by HSBC, which might be different from the rate on your existing mortgage.

Blend & Extend: Often, HSBC might offer a ‘blend and extend’ option. This means that the bank will blend the interest rate of your current mortgage with the rate of the new borrowing to offer a single, averaged rate for the entire mortgage amount. This rate can be advantageous if current market rates are much higher than your existing rate.

Re-assessment of Affordability: Just because you have an existing mortgage with HSBC doesn’t mean you’re automatically approved for additional borrowing. HSBC will re-assess your financial situation, credit history, and other factors to determine if you qualify for the larger loan amount. Your income, debts, and other financial responsibilities will be taken into consideration.

Fees and Charges: While porting can help you avoid early repayment charges on your existing mortgage, there might be other fees involved, especially when borrowing additional funds. It’s essential to understand any associated costs and factor them into your decision.

while it’s possible to port your HSBC mortgage to a more expensive property, the process involves more than just a simple transfer. It’s crucial to consult with an HSBC mortgage advisor or specialist who can guide you through the specifics, provide advice tailored to your situation, and help ensure that your move to a pricier property is as smooth and financially sound as possible.

How much does it cost to port my HSBC mortgage?

When considering porting your HSBC mortgage to a new property, understanding the associated costs is crucial to make an informed decision. While the primary advantage of porting is to save on potential early repayment charges that come with breaking your mortgage agreement, there are still some costs to be aware of:

Administration Fees: Some banks, including HSBC, may charge an administration or processing fee to port your mortgage. This fee covers the administrative tasks associated with transferring the mortgage to a different property.

Valuation Fee: If you’re moving to a new property, HSBC will likely require a property valuation or appraisal to ensure the house’s market value corresponds to the mortgage amount. This evaluation typically incurs a fee, though the exact cost can vary based on the location and type of property.

Legal Fees: Transferring a mortgage to a new property will require some legal work. This involves updating land registry records, ensuring there are no issues with the property’s title, and more. Hiring a solicitor or conveyancer to handle this will involve legal fees.

Additional Borrowing Rates: If you’re moving to a more expensive property and need to borrow more than your current mortgage balance, the additional amount might come with its own set of interest rates and fees. Remember that this extra borrowing will often be at HSBC’s current rates, which might be different from your existing mortgage rate.

It’s essential to note that fees and costs can vary based on individual circumstances and the specifics of your mortgage agreement. The best approach to ascertain the exact costs is to consult directly with an HSBC mortgage advisor. They can provide a detailed breakdown tailored to your situation, ensuring there are no financial surprises along the way.

Can I port my HSBC mortgage if I have additional borrowing?

If you’re looking to move to a new property and need to borrow more than the remaining balance on your current HSBC mortgage, you may be wondering if porting is still an option. The good news is that, generally, you can port your HSBC mortgage even with additional borrowing needs, but there are some key considerations and steps involved:

Affordability Assessment: When you request additional borrowing, HSBC will reassess your financial situation. This involves a comprehensive review of your income, debts, credit history, and other relevant financial details. The bank needs to ensure that you can comfortably afford the increased mortgage repayments.

Interest Rates: The rate on the additional borrowed amount might differ from your existing mortgage rate. Typically, the new borrowing will be subject to HSBC’s current interest rates, which may be higher or lower than what you’re currently paying.

Blend & Extend Option: Some homeowners who port and require additional borrowing may be offered a ‘blend and extend’ option by HSBC. This involves blending the interest rate of your existing mortgage with the rate for the new borrowing, resulting in a single, weighted average interest rate for the entire mortgage amount.

while it’s generally possible to port your HSBC mortgage with additional borrowing, the process involves more than a straightforward transfer. To navigate the complexities and ensure you’re making a sound financial decision, it’s advisable to engage with an HSBC mortgage advisor. They can offer tailored advice, provide clarity on rates and terms, and guide you through the application and approval process.

Is there a maximum time limit for completing the porting process with HSBC?

When considering porting a mortgage, one of the logistical questions many homeowners have is the duration: How long do they have to complete the porting process? With HSBC, as with many lenders, there are specified time frames to keep in mind:

Concurrent Closing Dates: Ideally, the sale of your current property and the purchase of the new one should have concurrent or very close closing dates. This minimizes the gap between porting your mortgage, ensuring a smoother transition and avoiding potential penalties.

Permitted Gap Period: Some lenders, including HSBC, might allow for a short gap between the sale of your old property and the purchase of the new one during which the mortgage can still be ported. This gap can vary, but it’s typically around 30 to 90 days. It’s essential to confirm the exact period with HSBC as the terms might change based on specific mortgage products or promotional offerings.

Lock-In Period: If the gap between selling and buying exceeds the permitted duration, some lenders might offer a “rate lock-in” feature. This allows you to secure your current mortgage rate for the new property for a specified period, even if market rates change. Again, the duration for this lock-in can vary, so it’s essential to discuss it with your HSBC representative.

Extending Beyond the Limit: If you anticipate or encounter delays beyond the maximum time limit allowed for porting, it’s crucial to communicate with HSBC promptly. While there’s no guarantee, the bank might offer solutions or alternatives to accommodate your situation, though this could come with certain conditions or fees.

Can I make changes to my existing mortgage terms when porting with HSBC?

Porting your mortgage with HSBC generally implies that you’re transferring your existing mortgage—with its current terms, interest rate, and conditions—to a new property. However, there might be instances where homeowners wonder if they can tweak or modify their mortgage terms during the porting process. Here’s what you should know:

Fundamental Purpose of Porting: The primary advantage of porting is to maintain your existing mortgage conditions, especially if you’ve secured a favorable interest rate that may no longer be available in the current market. This continuity is what allows homeowners to avoid penalties for breaking their mortgage contract early.

Additional Borrowing: If you’re moving to a more expensive property and need extra funds, the additional amount you borrow will typically be subject to HSBC’s prevailing interest rates and conditions. This new segment of your mortgage might have terms different from your original loan.

Blend & Extend Option: In cases where you require extra funds, HSBC might offer a ‘blend and extend’ solution. This blends the interest rate of your current mortgage with the rate for the new borrowing, giving you an averaged rate for the entire loan. While this isn’t exactly changing your original mortgage terms, it does introduce a new set of conditions for the added borrowing.

Term Adjustments: Making significant changes to the core terms of your existing mortgage, such as switching from a fixed to a variable rate or altering the mortgage’s duration, might not be possible under the standard porting process. Such changes could be treated as breaking the mortgage, which might involve penalties.

while the primary aim of porting is to carry over your existing mortgage terms, there are scenarios where adjustments can be made, particularly when additional borrowing is involved. It’s crucial to engage directly with an HSBC mortgage advisor to understand the possibilities, implications, and any associated costs of modifying your mortgage terms during the porting process.

Do I need to reapply for a mortgage when porting with HSBC?

Porting your mortgage with HSBC allows you to transfer your existing mortgage terms, rate, and conditions to a new property. But a common question is whether this process requires a complete reapplication. Here’s a breakdown of what you should expect:

Partial Reassessment: While you’re not starting from scratch, certain aspects of your financial situation will be reassessed. This is especially true if you’re considering borrowing additional funds, changing the mortgage amount, or if there have been significant changes in your financial circumstances since your initial mortgage application.

Credit Check: HSBC may perform another credit check to ensure that your creditworthiness remains consistent and that you can manage the mortgage obligations for the new property.

Property Valuation: Even though you’re porting your mortgage, HSBC will still need to assess the value of the new property you wish to purchase. This is to ensure the property provides adequate security for the loan. As such, you can expect a property appraisal or valuation as part of the porting process.

while porting your HSBC mortgage does not mean starting the application process anew, there are specific steps and checks that resemble parts of the original application. This is to ensure that both you as the borrower and HSBC as the lender are secure in the transition. As always, discussing your specific situation with an HSBC mortgage advisor can provide clarity and guidance tailored to your circumstances.


porting a mortgage with HSBC can be a beneficial option for homeowners looking to move and take their existing mortgage with them. By following the steps outlined in this article, borrowers can ensure a smooth and seamless process. It is important to communicate with HSBC throughout the entire porting process and to carefully review all terms and conditions. Additionally, it may be helpful to seek advice from a mortgage advisor or financial professional to fully understand the implications of porting a mortgage. With proper planning and preparation, homeowners can successfully port their mortgage with HSBC and enjoy the flexibility and convenience it provides. Take advantage of this opportunity today and explore how you can benefit from porting your mortgage with HSBC.


What does it mean to port my HSBC mortgage?

Porting your mortgage means transferring your existing HSBC mortgage, with its current terms and rate, from one property to another without incurring early repayment charges.

Will I need to undergo a new credit check when porting my mortgage with HSBC?

Yes, HSBC may perform another credit check to ensure your creditworthiness remains consistent during the porting process.

Can I borrow additional funds while porting my mortgage?

Yes, you can request additional funds when porting, but this will be subject to HSBC’s current lending criteria, interest rates, and a new property valuation.

Is there a fee associated with porting my HSBC mortgage?

There might be administration or processing fees, along with potential valuation and legal fees. Always consult with HSBC for specific charges related to your mortgage.

How long do I have to complete the porting process with HSBC?

Ideally, the sale of your current property and the purchase of the new one should have close closing dates. Some flexibility may be allowed, typically around 30 to 90 days, but it’s best to confirm with HSBC.

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